Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gadgets 'n Stuff: Self Stirring Electric Pot

On a scale of 1-10, how lazy are you in the kitchen? I mean, is the crock pot your very best friend? Does the microwave serve as your primary ‘cooking’ tool? Does the thought of standing over the stove, actually stirring anything, give you the shakes, make you feel faint and compel you to reach for the phone to order take-out from the Chinese joint on the corner?

If so, first of all, that’s just pitiful. Secondly, you’re in luck. Sort of. There’s at least one gadget on the market that can make the chore of cooking less daunting. Hammacher Schlemmer, that company that no one can seem to pronounce, has in their inventory the Self Stirring Electric Pot.

This little contraption has a spatula built into the bottom of the pot that rotates at will as your food cooks. What does this mean for you? No more standing over the oppressively hot stove, whipping that hollandaise sauce so it won’t stick to the bottom of the pan or frantically stirring the cache of vegetables so you don’t end up with those tacky burnt crunchy bits in an otherwise perfect dish. See how small prayers are answered?

Now, for your laziness, you’ve gotta pay the price. Hammacher Schlemmer carries the Self Stirring Electric Pot online for $99.95, plus tax and shipping, but if you live in NY you can visit their store in Midtown Manhattan at 147 E. 57th Street.

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