Thursday, February 16, 2012

Still water runs deep...but what about black water?

One day my husband came home from a business trip to Palo Alto with a rather curious take-away. He was quite proud of his latest acquisition and handed it to me as if he were the one to create, manufacture and bottle it up himself.

It was a bottle of water. A bottle of black water.

What? Really? Black water? I don’t know about you, but when I think of black water (which, until that day, I had never wasted too many brain cells on), the first words that come to mind (in no particular order) are: a) swamp, b) dirty, c) yuck!, d) ewww, e) are you f**king kidding me?!?, etc.

Perhaps my mind isn't progressive enough to wrap itself around the notion of imbibing water infused with fulvic acid, a complex mixture of many acids. That sounded a bit scary to me...until I began to do a little research. (Actually the thought of it still sends a slight chill down my spine).

Fulvic acid is an antioxidant that occurs naturally in certain soils, plants and plant-based foods. There are reports that touts this particular acid’s primary role as a digestive aid in your system. All over the internet, there are reports of fulvic acid possessing benefits that boggle the mind. Okay, maybe it’s not that amazing, but still.

While I won’t (and can’t) get into the full-blown historical context of fulvic acid, you can read more in-depth about it HERE.

Now back to this whole black water issue.

My husband is trying to convince me to drink it. So far, I’m holding fast in my refusal to bring a glass of it anywhere near my tender lips. He swears it tastes like nothing…like, well, water. I don’t buy that nonsense for a second. Come on, it’s black water for goodness sake. I imagine it has a flavor akin to diluted ink. Or maybe day-old tea. Or the dirty socks of a sailor that haven't been washed in weeks.

Perhaps it’s a mental block that’s preventing me from thinking on a totally realistic level. Deep down inside, at my very core, I know I'm being ridiculous. Isn't it enough that I can admit that? Do I now have to taste the stuff?

As I sit and write this mini-tome, my husband has trotted off to the kitchen, opened the bottle and poured a glass for me. It's horrifyingly black. It looks like cola soda. I cannot tell a lie. I cannot bring myself to drink this stuff.

That one lone bottle had been occupying space on the top shelf in our refrigerator for about four weeks. My thoughts were that if my husband didn't cave in and drink it, then it would have stayed on that shelf until the day that pigs fly. Or until my resolve was weakened, whichever came first.

Ten minutes later and the glass of black water is still sitting on the desk staring at me...taunting me. I refuse to give in. I am a trouper. But not so much...I take a tiny sip. But only a tiny one.

It tastes like nothing. But it's still black water. And I just can't get past that.

UP FOR DISCUSSION: Have you tried fulvic acid-infused black water? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

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